RS Global will provide innovative solutions for recruiting and staffing with required skills to meet customer’s unique requirements. One of the niche areas focused by RS Global is in mobile technology. We have large network as well as database of resources to get the right resources for the right job at the right time. We also have our partners to collaborate with us in the area of recruiting and staffing. Our experienced recruiters will provide customer focus and be able to get the right candidates for your selection. Some of the skillsets that we are focused are:
iOS, Objcet C
PHP (Code Ignitor, Zend, Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal, Plugin Development and customization)
Objective C
Ruby on Rails
Ecommerce (Open cart, zen cart, magento, Oscommerce, virtue mart etc)
Cold Fusion
Java(Platform Development Product Development and Portal Development)
.NET (Kinetico CMS, Sitecore CMS, Custom CMS)